Thursday, July 10, 2008

something new and something different

Here's the news:
The illustration for Virginia Living has been published this month. It was a lot of fun and I got to do a more journalistic approach. I have included the illustration itself and the page layout. If you haven't checked this issue out yet, do so. It has more amazing work from Robert Meganck, an amazing dark illustration from Sterling Hundley which I am almost positive will be a medal winner at the next society show, Neal Iwan, Tyler Darden, Rob Ullman, and a fresh illustration from Shawn Yu. Unfortunately the Will Jenkins article I did back in March got bumped to a later issue.
Also, I have included one of two private commissions I am working on. This one is finished. It depicts a family's life on the bayou in Mississippi.
Other than that, still working on the website and planning a trip to New York City in late august. If anyone in the area wants to get together and geek out, I am always up for it, just give me a call.


Will said...

I really dig both of these, the watercolor peice is really fresh. always look forward to your updates!

TREY BRYAN said...

yeah man i got the new issue of VL in the mail and Im blown away by all the illustrations in the mag. really cool stuff.
