I just recently returned from a successful promotional trip in NYC. I had a great time while I was there and much thanks goes to Scott Brundage and David Hollenbach for putting up with me for a week. Many thanks also go out to those who I met with (Mark shaw, Liz Macfarlane, Sari Levy, Mike Ley, Joann Hill, and more) and those who I met for the first time. These people made my stay worth while and left me wanting to come back to NYC.
Capping off the week, I was able to attend the Politics show at the Society of Illustrators and had the great pleasure of meeting some of the greatest illustrators of our time as well as the art directors who supplied them with the means of showcasing their work to the world. It was a tremendous job well done on behalf of Edel Rodriguez who put on the show. If you're in NYC you should take the time to check it out. It was also the first time I had seen a phillip Burke painting in person and that was incredible.
Right now I am in a show at Ghost Print Gallery (richmond, va) with three other local illustrators Neal Iwan, Barry Bruner, and Danny Robbins each of them with a very impressive collection of work. The show was a great success and a lot of fun on first friday despite the bad weather which didn't seem to stop anyone from coming out to celebrate. The show wouldn't have been a success without Thea Duskin and her mother who put on the show. Those two did a great job and I am very honored to have my work hung in their gallery.
Pictured up top is a study for a private commission and can be seen at the Ghost Print Gallery. For the commission I will be doing a larger version in oils and working out some of the kinks.
Later on I will be posting some more work and some of the journal things I've been putting together.